Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The Last Stop

After years on his route
He sits still in humble shade
Reluctantly idling
In a lower gear

He sits still in humble shade
Slowly surrendering
To the winged passengers on his arms
The browning of his lawn

He starts slightly in his seat
To the four o’ clock
Tsik tsik tsik of his neighbor’s sprinkler
Bends a foot out of the encroaching sun

After years on his route
He reverses further from the road
Foot off the pedal- out of the sun
The last stop

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A Moment with the Maid

Grasped in furrowed hands
The clothes are wrung waterless
And hung in Transkein hot wind
By arms reaching up to high wires
Plump brown antennae
Over the exuberantly coloured cloth
That wraps her

The berg wind carries her Xhosa song
Gathering the smells of lawn and linen
To the young white boy sitting on the steps
Behind the prefabricated house
That pretends it’s in suburbia
Or anywhere but Umtata

She hangs his Superman t-shirt
While he crashes plastic trucks

Dear Jungle John

Dear Jungle John
Recall the devil
That allowed you to
Forge the alloy of your inventions

Who assassinated your last
Obsequious nerve with an
Eyeful of possibility

That twisted you around
A thorny sprig of reclusion
To toil over what
You would uniquely, shockingly
Usher to matter

Ask it to come round
All love

Monday, 26 May 2014

The Big Cheese

The hospital
As a child I called it The Big Cheese
The Joburg General
Yellow and holey
Swiss Emmental

I recall
Disney on the children’s walls
Unavailingly dampening cries
Softening needles
Doctor’s lies

Monday, 5 May 2014

Not Sleeping with Avril

A sleepless Sunday night

The vapid Avril Lavigne line

Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs… something something na na na

Washes onto the morning sand
And finally dissipates mockingly into the grains
Releasing my brain to the flogging of the alarm clock

The worries that tossed and turned me
Between midnight and six this morning
Chuckle as they reveal themselves as trivial

Avril stuffs the worries and her song into a punky Burberry bag
As I stretch lamely for the alarm

See ya tonight fucker!

She dawdles away across the sand
Turning to give me the finger