Over the infancy
of what I hope
will be a piquant stew
I dwell on the
shape of things
how meekly
those who have
nothing to want
and how those who
have nothing to fear
feign empathy
almost convincingly
HomellS Pepil cAn Stay Here
my neighbour’s
seven year old
blu tacked this
up in their window
It’s been there for
the best part
of a year
seeing off window clean
after window clean
from the inside
A suburban gesture
made in the best
of faith by the
best of people
a child
I fetch bay
from the tree in my garden
as I think about
the complacency
and complicity
of a middle class
who can conveniently
just about bear their
and now look...
between Trump
Global Warming
and Brexit
I’ve forgotten the splash
of red wine
By Ruodprecht - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25490318